Friday, October 22, 2010

Life Manual - In case you didn't get one

7. Airports - avoid them if you can

8. Sing in and out of the shower

9. Be thankful when you wake up and when you go to bed

10. Somewhere along the way, get a cat

Friday, October 15, 2010

Life Manual - In case YOU did not get one

4. When you see a starry night: behold the only thing greater than yourself!

5. Your mother and father, they will always be...

6. You are unique among all. Always BE unique!

- to be continued...

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Missing Life Manual

I looked everywhere but couldn't find it. The Life Manual we are all supposed to get when we are born.
We don't get one?
Why not?

So I decided to write one.

Life Manual - In case YOU did not get one
1. Welcome. Take it easy. This is only your first day. By tomorrow, you'll be twice as old. Take it easy.

2. The sky is blue. It has been for Billions of years and I hope it remains blue for a few Billion more... Or, at least until December 21, 2012 (more on this later, much later).

3. Have you eaten yet? If not, get some food. For some reason, you need to eat... constantly. Most of it is good. Some of it not.

- to be continued...